Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Lowell D. Thomas
Python APG
 … an ABNF Parser Generator
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
  apg_pyAll of the APG library, generator and pattern-matching files
  apiThe parser generator files
 api.pyAn API for generating grammar objects from SABNF grammars
 rule_attributes.pyCompute the rule attributes for all rules
 rule_dependencies.pyDetermine which rules each rule depends on and vice versa
 scanner.pyScans the SABNF source for invalid characters
 scanner_callbacks.pyAll of the callback functions for the scanner parser's AST
 semantic.pySemantic translation of the SABNF AST
 semantic_callbacks.pyAll the semantic AST translation callback functions
 syntax.pyParse the SABNF grammar for syntax errors
 syntax_callbacks.pyAll the syntax parser's callback functions
  expThe pattern-matching files
 exp.pyApgExp - a RegExp-like pattern matching engine
  libThe basic APG parsing library
 ast.pyA class for creating and translating the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
 backreferences.pyBack reference stack class
 identifiers.pyAll of the APG numerical ids
 parser.pyThe APG parser
 stats.pyCollects parser's node statistics
 trace.pyDisplays a trace of the parse tree
 utilities.pyA few APG utility functions
 docsDocumentation helper files for doxygen
  examplesExamples of using all aspects of the parser, parser generator and pattern-matching engine
  astAll of the files for the AST demonstration
 ast_callbacks.pyThe AST call back functions for the AST example
 main.pyExample of using the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
 parser_callbacks.pyThe parser call back functions for the AST example
  basicsAll of the examples of basic parsing operations
 back_reference.pyDemonstrates two modes of back referencing
 look_ahead.pyExample of using the look behind operators & and !
 look_behind.pyDemonstration of using the look behind operators
 main.pyDriver function for demonstrating Python APG basic operations
 parsing_basics.pySimple construction of a grammar object and parser
 stats.pyDemonstrates how to display the parser's statistics
 substrings.pyDemonstrate parsing substrings
 trace.pyDemonstrates how to display a trace of the parser's path through the parse tree
 udts.pyExample of using User-Defined Terminals (UDTs)
  expA large set of examples of using the pattern-matching engine
 ast_translate.pyDemonstrates using the AST for translation of the pattern matched results
 basic.pyDemonstrates simple matching and testing of patterns in a string
 csv.pyDemonstrates parsing comma separated values
 flags.pyDemonstrates using the pattern matching flags
 limits.pyDemonstrates placing limits on the node hits and parse tree depth
 main.pyDriver function for demonstrating a large set of pattern matching examples
 multiline.pyDemonstrates mimicking the multi-line mode flag of regex
 recursive.pyDemonstrates using recursive rules for matching nested pairs
 replace.pyDemonstrates use of the replace function
 rules.pyDemonstrates including or excluding specific pattern rules in the result
 split.pyDemonstrates the use of the split() function
 udts.pyDemonstrates using User-Defined Terminals (UDTs)
  grammar_objectAn example of saving a grammar object and using it at a future time
 main.pyThe main function for the save and use grammar object demonstratons
 save.pyDemonstrates how to save a grammar object for future use
 use.pyDemonstrates how to use a saved a grammar object
  ini_fileThis director contains all the file for the ini file example
 ast_callbacks.pyThe AST call back functions for the ini file class
 ini_file.pyThe ini file class for parsing an ini file into section/key/values
 main.pyThe driver function for the ini file demonstration
 parser_callbacks.pyThe parser call back functions for the ini file class
Python APG, Version 1.0, is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.