Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Lowell D. Thomas
Python APG
 … an ABNF Parser Generator
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examples Directory Reference

Examples of using all aspects of the parser, parser generator and pattern-matching engine.



directory  ast
 All of the files for the AST demonstration.
directory  basics
 All of the examples of basic parsing operations.
directory  exp
 A large set of examples of using the pattern-matching engine.
directory  grammar_object
 An example of saving a grammar object and using it at a future time.
directory  ini_file
 This director contains all the file for the ini file example.

Detailed Description

Examples of using all aspects of the parser, parser generator and pattern-matching engine.

In each sub-directory has a "" file. Execute this file to run the example. e.g. from your project directory

python3 examples/basic/ --help

will give all of the basic example options. Examine any of the other files in the directory to study the examples or run them in a debugger to further understand the examples lessons.

Python APG, Version 1.0, is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.