Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Lowell D. Thomas
Python APG
 … an ABNF Parser Generator
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Demonstrates using the AST for translation of the pattern matched results. More...

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def examples.exp.ast_translate.float (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.sign (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.integer (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.fraction (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.esign (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.exponent (state, input, index, length, data)
def examples.exp.ast_translate.fn (input, result)


string examples.exp.ast_translate.title
string examples.exp.ast_translate.pattern
string examples.exp.ast_translate.input = '[ 123 ]'
string examples.exp.ast_translate.header = 'RESULT'
int examples.exp.ast_translate.testno = 0
 examples.exp.ast_translate.exp = ApgExp(pattern, 'g')
 examples.exp.ast_translate.result = exp.exec(input)
dictionary = {}

Detailed Description

Demonstrates using the AST for translation of the pattern matched results.

Also demonstrates how to use the AST in the replace() function (see apg_py/exp/

Definition in file

Python APG, Version 1.0, is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.