Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Lowell D. Thomas
Python APG
 … an ABNF Parser Generator
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1 ''' @file examples/exp/
2 @brief Demonstrates the use of the split() function.
3 '''
4 import sys
5 import os
6 # add the current working directory to the path
8 # if using autopep8 formatter, for example, set argument '--ignore=E402'
9 sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
10 from apg_py.exp.exp import ApgExp
11 from apg_py.lib import utilities as utils
13 title = '''This example will demonstrate how to use
14 the split function. This function is similar to the
15 JavaScript string split function
16 (
17 with a regex expression for the split pattern.
18 All flags except the character code flag "c" are ignored.
19 If the "c" flag is set, substitute "tuple of character codes" for string.
20  - if the input string is empty, the output list contains
21  a single empty string
22  - if the pattern matches the entire string, the output list contains
23  a single empty string.
24  - if no pattern matches are found in the input string,
25  the output list contains a single string which
26  is a copy of the input string.
27  - if the pattern finds multiple matches, the output list contains
28  a each of the strings between the matches
29  - if the pattern matches the empty string, the output will be a list
30  of the single characters.
31 '''
32 print()
33 print(title)
35 pattern = 'start = %s"The entire string."\n'
36 pat = 'PATTERN'
37 header = 'RESULT'
38 testno = 0
40 # empty input string
41 exp = ApgExp(pattern)
42 input = ''
43 result = exp.split(input)
44 testno += 1
45 print('\n' + str(testno) + ') Empty input string.')
46 print(pat)
47 print(pattern)
48 print('input string: ' + input)
49 print(header)
50 print(result)
52 # pattern matches the entire string
53 exp = ApgExp(pattern)
54 input = 'The entire string.'
55 result = exp.split(input)
56 testno += 1
57 print('\n' + str(testno) + ') Pattern matches the entire string.')
58 print(pat)
59 print(pattern)
60 print('input string: ' + input)
61 print(header)
62 print(result)
64 # separator matches
65 pattern = '''pattern = wsp / (owsp "," owsp) / (owsp ";" owsp)
66 wsp = %d32 / %d9
67 owsp = *wsp
68 '''
69 exp = ApgExp(pattern)
70 input = 'dog cat,bird ; mouse, rabbit'
71 result = exp.split(input)
72 testno += 1
73 print('\n' + str(testno) + ') Multiple separator matches.')
74 print(pat)
75 print(pattern)
76 print('input string: ' + input)
77 print(header)
78 print(result)
80 # separator matches with limits
81 pattern = '''pattern = wsp / (owsp "," owsp) / (owsp ";" owsp)
82 wsp = %d32 / %d9
83 owsp = *wsp
84 '''
85 exp = ApgExp(pattern)
86 input = 'dog cat,bird ; mouse, rabbit'
87 result = exp.split(input, limit=3)
88 testno += 1
89 print('\n' + str(testno) + ') Multiple separator matches limited to 3.')
90 print(pat)
91 print(pattern)
92 print('input string: ' + input)
93 print(header)
94 print(result)
96 # separator matches with limits using characters
97 pattern = '''pattern = wsp / (owsp "," owsp) / (owsp ";" owsp)
98 wsp = %d32 / %d9
99 owsp = *wsp
100 '''
101 exp = ApgExp(pattern, 'c')
102 input = 'dog cat,bird ; mouse, rabbit'
103 result = exp.split(utils.string_to_tuple(input), limit=3)
104 testno += 1
105 print(
106  '\n' +
107  str(testno) +
108  ') Multiple separator matches limited to 3 in character codes.')
109 print(pat)
110 print(pattern)
111 print('input string: ' + input)
112 print(header)
113 print(result)
115 # matches the empty string
116 pattern = '''pattern = ""
117 '''
118 exp = ApgExp(pattern)
119 input = 'Separate into characters.'
120 result = exp.split(input)
121 testno += 1
122 print('\n' + str(testno) + ') Separate into characters with an empty string match.')
123 print(pat)
124 print(pattern)
125 print('input string: ' + input)
126 print(header)
127 print(result)
129 # matches the empty string in characters
130 pattern = '''pattern = ""
131 '''
132 exp = ApgExp(pattern, 'c')
133 input = 'characters'
134 result = exp.split(utils.string_to_tuple(input))
135 testno += 1
136 print(
137  '\n' +
138  str(testno) +
139  ') Separate into character codes with an empty string match.')
140 print(pat)
141 print(pattern)
142 print('input string: ' + input)
143 print(header)
144 print(result)
The ApgExp class provides a pattern-matching engine similar to JavaScript's RegExp
Python APG, Version 1.0, is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.