Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Lowell D. Thomas
Python APG
 … an ABNF Parser Generator
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Demonstrates how to display the parser's statistics. More...

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def examples.basics.stats.udt_sign (cbData)
def examples.basics.stats.udt_integer (cbData)


string examples.basics.stats.title
string examples.basics.stats.float
string examples.basics.stats.anbncn = 'S = &(A !bb) 1*aa B !cc\n'
 examples.basics.stats.api = Api()
 examples.basics.stats.grammar = api.generate(float)
 examples.basics.stats.parser = Parser(grammar)
 examples.basics.stats.stats = Stats(parser)
string examples.basics.stats.input_string = '-123.456789E-10'
 examples.basics.stats.result = parser.parse(utils.string_to_tuple(input_string))

Detailed Description

Demonstrates how to display the parser's statistics.

Demonstrate the display of the parser's statistics. Displays a count of how many nodes of each kind were hit and how many times. Also displays how many times each rule and UDT name is hit. Note that operators and rule/UDT names that have a 0(zero) hit count are not displayed.

Definition in file

Python APG, Version 1.0, is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.