▼Napg_py | |
▼Napi | |
▼Napi | |
CGrammar | Creates a grammar object which can be used by the APG library |
▼CApi | The API class |
CNameList | A helper class to keep track of rule and UDT names |
▼Nrule_attributes | |
CAttr | Simple class for attribute data for each rule |
▼Nexp | |
▼Nexp | |
CResult | A class for returning the results of a pattern match |
CApgExp | The ApgExp class provides a pattern-matching engine similar to JavaScript's RegExp |
▼Nlib | |
▼Nast | |
CAst | A class for capturing the AST as the parser traverses the parse tree |
▼Nbackreferences | |
CBackrefenceStack | |
▼Nparser | |
CParserResult | A convenience class for the parser's results |
CParser | The Parser class for parsing an APG grammar |
▼Nstats | |
CStats | |
▼Ntrace | |
CTrace | Class for tracing and displaying the progress of the parser through the parse tree |
▼Nexamples | |
▼Nini_file | |
▼Nini_file | |
CIniFile |