def | __init__ (self, grammar) |
| The Parser class constructor. More...
def | add_callbacks (self, callbacks) |
| Add callback functions to the rule name (RNM) nodes. More...
def | set_tree_depth_limit (self, maxt) |
| Set a maximum tree depth. More...
def | set_node_hit_limit (self, maxt) |
| Set a maximum number of node hits. More...
def | parse (self, input, start_rule=None, sub_begin=0, sub_length=0, user_data=None) |
| Parses an input string. More...
def | opALT (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opALTbehind (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opCAT (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opCATbehind (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opREP (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opRNM (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTLS (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTLSbehind (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTBS (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTBSbehind (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTRG (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opTRGbehind (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | UDTValidate (self, state, phrase_index, phrase_length, last_index, name, empty) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opUDT (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opUDTbehind (self, op_index) |
| UDT operator not allowed in look behind mode. More...
def | opAND (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opNOT (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opBKA (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opBKN (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opBKR (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opBKRbehind (self, op_index) |
| Back references not allowed in look behind mode. More...
def | opABG (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opAEN (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | opExecute (self, op_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | execDown (self, op) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...
def | execUp (self, op, begin_index) |
| Only called internally by the parser, never called explicitly by the user. More...