… an ABNF Parser Generator
Calt_data | Used by syntax.c but needed here for constructor/destructor |
Capg_phrase | Defines a pointer to an achar array plus its length. That is, a phrase as is often used by APG |
Capgex | For internal object use only. The phrase matching object context |
Capgex_phrase | The representation of a matched phrase |
Capgex_properties | Detailed information about the apgex object after vApgexPattern() has been called |
Capgex_result | The phrase matching results |
Capgex_rule | Information about each rule or UDT in the SABNF pattern |
Capi | The API context |
Capi_attr | The recursive attributes of a single SABNF grammra rule |
Capi_attr_w | Working attribute information about a each rule |
Capi_op | API information about each opcode |
Capi_rule | API information about each rule |
Capi_udt | API information about each UDT |
Cast | The AST object context. Holds the object's state |
Cast_data | Input data to the AST callback functions |
Cast_info | All the information a user needs to write a custom AST translator |
Cast_record | Format of an AST record |
Cast_translate | |
Catt_cdata | |
Catt_decl | Identifies the element name, attribute name and default attribute value of attribute list declarations |
Cattrs_ctx | The API will construct an attributes object. This is the attribute object's context |
Cbackref | The back reference object's context |
Cbkr_phrase | Defines one frame on the back reference stack |
Cbkr_rule | Back referencing information for each rule |
Cbkr_udt | Back referencing information for each UDT |
Cbkrp_frame | |
Cbkrp_input | |
Cbkru_frame | |
Cbkru_input | |
Cbuild | The builder object context |
Cbvalue | A builder value. Internal workings only. Don't worry about it |
Ccallback_data | The data struct passed to each callback function |
Ccdata_id | Parsed character data definition |
Cconfig | This data controls the flow of the main program of the APG parser generator |
Cconfig_ctx | The configuration component context |
Cconv | The conv object context |
Cconv_dst | Defines the output data type, location, length and whether or not to preface with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) |
Cconv_error | Defines the value, location and error message when a value is in error and a fatal error is issued |
Cconv_file | |
Cconv_src | Defines the input data type, location and length |
Ccounts | Internal workings only. Don't worry about it |
Cdata_id | |
Cdisplay_info | Keeps track of the display state for ASCII display |
Cdtd_info | Information about the Document Type Declaration |
Celement_frame | A stack is used to track which element is currently being parsed. This frame struct contains all of the information needed to track the data |
Centity_decl | Provides the offset into the general 32-bit vector and length of a name and value pair |
Centity_frame | |
Cexception | A structure to describe the type and location of a caught exception |
Cfmt_tag | The context for the format object |
Cframe | Each value is a node in the parse tree |
Chtml_info | Keeps track of the display state for HTML display |
Cinit_hdr | Header for the parser initialization data |
Cinit_hdr_out | Header for the parser initialization data |
Cinput_info | Information about the input data |
Cjson | The object context. For intenrnal use only |
Cjson_context | |
Cjson_iterator | A JSON interator object context |
Cjson_number | The structure of a JSON number value |
Cjson_value_tag | The structure of a JSON value |
Cline | Defines the characteristics of a single line |
Cline_u | Carries detailed information about the characters and line endings. One for each line in the input grammar file |
Clines | The lines object context |
Clines_u | The lines object context |
Cmem | For internal use only. The memory object's context. Opaque to user applications |
Cmem_cell_tag | A circularly-linked list structure |
Cmem_stats | Available to the user for display of memory statistics |
Cmsg_offset | |
Cmsgs | The message log context |
Cmy_data | |
Cmy_line | |
Cnamed_value | Provides offsets and lengths in the vpVec32 array for a name and value pair |
Cnexts | Internal workings only. Don't worry about it |
Cnode_stat | Holds the statistics for a single node |
Cop_abg | Data structure for a single ABG opcode |
Cop_aen | Data structure for a single AEN opcode |
Cop_alt | Data structure for a single ALT opcode |
Cop_and | Data structure for a single AND opcode |
Cop_bka | Data structure for a single BKA opcode |
Cop_bkn | Data structure for a single BKN opcode |
Cop_bkr | Data structure for a single BKR opcode |
Cop_cat | Data structure for a single CAT opcode |
Cop_gen | General opcode. Only holds the opcode ID and PPPT map pointer |
Cop_not | Data structure for a single NOT opcode |
Cop_rep | Data structure for a single REP opcode |
Cop_rnm | Data structure for a single RNM opcode |
Cop_tbs | Data structure for a single TBS opcode |
Cop_tls | Data structure for a single TLS opcode |
Cop_trg | Data structure for a single TRG opcode |
Cop_udt | Data structure for a single UDT opcode |
Copcode_tag | A union of all possible node type opcode data structures |
Cparser_config | Defines the input string and other configuration parameters for the parser, |
Cparser_init | The initialization information generated by APG |
Cparser_state | The parser's final state |
Cparser_tag | The parser object's context. Holds the parser's state. Opaque to user |
Cphrase_r | For internal object use only. Defines a phrase as an offset into vpVecRelPhases |
Cpppt_size | Size information for the **P**artially-**P**redictive **P**arsing **T**ables (PPPT) data |
Cresult_r | For internal object use only. The phrase matching result in relative phrases |
Crule | Data structure for a single rule |
Crule_constraint | |
Crule_r | For internal object use only. Relative offsets to phrase information for rules |
Csection_def | |
Csemantic_data | User data passed to the AST translator for use by the AST callback functions |
Csemantic_op | Generalized opcode for first-pass semantic processing |
Csemantic_rule | Generalized rule for first-pass semantic processing |
Csemantic_udt | Generalized UDT for first-pass semantic processing |
Cstats | The totality of all node statistics |
Cstats_ctx | The statistics object context |
Cstring_r | This is the "relative" string developed during parsing |
Csyntax_data | The syntax data that gets passed to the syntax parser's callback functions |
Ctest | |
Ctest_context | |
Ctime_test | |
Ctrace | The trace object context. Maintains the trace object's state |
Ctrace_config | Configuration defining the subset of nodes to display information for |
Ctrace_record | The information recorded & displayed by the trace object for each node visited |
Cu32_phrase | Defines a pointer to an array of 32-bit unsigned integers plus its length. Typically needed by Unicode applications |
Cudt | Data structure for a single UDT |
Cudt_r | For internal object use only. Relative offsets to phrase information for UDTs |
Cuser_data | |
Cvalue_r | This is the "relative" value developed during parsing |
Cvec_stats | Vector usage statistics |
Cvector | Private for internal use only. Defines the vector's state. Opaque to applications |
Cxml | This is the encapsulated data for the xml component. The component context or handle is an opaque pointer to this data |
Cxml_context | |
Cxml_tag | |
Cxmldecl_info | Information about the XML declaration |