const void * | vpValidate |
| Set to the context handle as a "magic number" for validating component member function calls. More...
exception * | spException |
void * | vpMem |
| Handle to the memory component which keeps track of all memory allocations by this xml component. More...
void * | vpFmt |
| Context pointer to a format object used to display printing and non-printing code points. More...
void * | vpParser |
| APG parser context pointer. Kept here for memory clean up use. More...
void * | vpConv |
| A UTF conversion component. Reused in several places. More...
void * | vpMsgs |
| During DTD parsing, this collects errors, all to be reported at the close of the DTD. During element processing (the body of the XML document) it is used to collect warning messages presented to the user at the end of the document. More...
void * | vpLines |
| A lines object context pointer. Used to report the line number location of errors. More...
aint | uiTrueType |
| Used to record the actual data type of the XML input (UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE) More...
void * | vpVecChars |
| Vector of the XML input characters. More...
achar * | acpChars |
| Pointer to input characters converted to achar, which in general is not 8-bit characters. More...
uint8_t * | ucpData |
| Points to the data read from an input file, if any. Otherwise, NULL. Needed for vXmlDtor(). More...
uint32_t | uiChar |
| A working value for a single character. Gets overwritten by each Char rule. More...
void * | vpVecName |
| Hold the name from the Name rule. Gets overwritten for each new Name instance. More...
void * | vpVec32 |
| A 32-bit work vector of all most parsed data, names, attributes and content. More...
void * | vpVec8 |
| A work vector for byte-stream data. More...
void * | vpVecString |
| A work vector for representing ASCII-only character data as a null-terminated string. More...
void * | vpVecCData |
| Temp vector of u32_phrase info for presentation to the caller. More...
aint | uiSavedOffset |
| Offset to the beginning of the declaration being processed. Used for error reporting. More...
xmldecl_info | sXmlDecl |
| For collecting and reporting the XML declaration info. More...
abool | bStandalone |
| True if standalone = "yes", false if standalone = "no". More...
abool | bExtSubset |
| True if an external subset is found, False otherwise. More...
aint | uiDTDOffset |
| Parser offset to the beginning of the DTD. Used for error reporting. More...
cdata_id | sDtdName |
| Offset & length of the DTD name. More...
void * | vpVecGEDefs |
| Vector of named_values for the General Entities declared. More...
void * | vpVecEntityFrames |
| Vector of General Entities stack frames for walking the tree of entity replacement values. More...
void * | vpVecNotationDecls |
| Vector of Notations declared. More...
aint | uiExternalIds |
| The number of external IDs found. More...
aint | uiPEDecls |
| The number of Parameter Entity declarations found. More...
aint | uiPERefs |
| The number of Parameter Entity references found. More...
aint | uiGEDeclsTotal |
| The total number of General Entity declarations. This includes declarations with multiply-defined names and ignored due to existence of Parameter Entities. More...
aint | uiGEDeclsNotProcessed |
| The number of General Entity declarations not processed because of conditionals. Condition: Unread Parameter Entity encountered previously and bStandalone is false (standalone = "no"). More...
aint | uiElementDecls |
| The number of element declarations. More...
entity_decl | sCurrentEntity |
| Holds the current entity declaration information. More...
void * | vpVecFrame |
| A vector for a stack of frames. A frame is pushed for each new element encountered and popped when the element ends. More...
element_frame * | spCurrentFrame |
| Holds a pointer to the current frame for the element being parsed. More...
att_decl | sCurrentAttList |
| Holds the current attribute list information. More...
void * | vpVecAttWork |
| A vector of work space for normalization of attribute balues. More...
void * | vpVecAttDecls |
| The list of attribute declarations. More...
void * | vpVecAttList |
| A vector of attribute named values. More...
aint | uiAttListsNotProcessed |
| The number of Attribute List declarations not processed because of the PE conditionals. More...
aint | uiAttListsDeclared |
| The number of Attribute List declarations including empty and not processed. More...
pfnEmptyTagCallback | pfnEmptyTagCallback |
| Pointer to the user's callback function for empty tag porcessing. May be the same as the start tag callback function or may be NULL for no callback. More...
void * | vpEmptyTagData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnStartTagCallback | pfnStartTagCallback |
| Pointer to the user's callback function for start tag processing. May be the same as the empty tag callback function or may be NULL for no callback. More...
void * | vpStartTagData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnEndTagCallback | pfnEndTagCallback |
| Pointer to the user's callback function for end tag processing. More...
void * | vpEndTagData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnPICallback | pfnPICallback |
| Pointer to the user's function for Processing Instruction processing. More...
void * | vpPIData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnXmlDeclCallback | pfnXmlDeclCallback |
| Pointer to the user's function for the XML declaration information. More...
void * | vpXmlDeclData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnDTDCallback | pfnDTDCallback |
| Pointer to the user's function for the DTD information. More...
void * | vpCommentData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...
pfnCommentCallback | pfnCommentCallback |
| Pointer to the user's function for the DTD information. More...
void * | vpDTDData |
| An opaque pointer available for user's use. More...