const void * | vpValidate |
| the "magic number" to indicate that this is a valid context More...
exception * | spException |
void * | vpMem |
| Pointer to the memory context used for all memory allocations and exceptions thrown. More...
void * | vpParser |
| context handle to the SABNF grammar parser object More...
void * | vpAltStack |
| A temporary vector for the AST translator. More...
void * | vpAst |
| context handle to the AST object More...
void * | vpAttrsCtx |
| context handle to the attributes object More...
void * | vpOutputAcharTable |
| Storage for variable character width output parser achar table. More...
void * | vpOutputParserInit |
| Storage for variable integer width output parser init data. More...
luint * | luipInit |
| Storage variable for intermediate parser initialization data. More...
char * | cpLineBuffer |
| Storage variable for intermediate parser line data. More...
void * | vpVecInput |
| The (ASCII) input grammar files and/or strings accumulate here. Always a NULL-terminated string. More...
void * | vpVecGrammar |
| The (achar) input grammar, if sizeof(achar) > sizeof(char). More...
char * | cpInput |
aint | uiInputLength |
| The number of input characters. More...
void * | vpLines |
| Context pointer to a lines object. More...
void * | vpVecTempChars |
| Temporary vector of characters. Here for clean up on unusual exit. More...
api_rule * | spRules |
| Points to an array of rule structures. More...
aint | uiRuleCount |
| The number of rules in the SABNF grammar and in the array. More...
api_udt * | spUdts |
| Points to an array of UDT structures, if one or more UDTs are referenced in the SABNF grammar. More...
aint | uiUdtCount |
| The number of UDTs referenced in the SABNF grammar. More...
char * | cpStringTable |
| Pointer to a list of null-terminated ASCII strings representing the rule and UDT names. More...
aint | uiStringTableLength |
| The number of characters in the string table. More...
aint | uiVersionOffset |
| Offset into the string table for the Version Number string. More...
aint | uiVersionLength |
| Length of the Version Number string. More...
aint | uiLicenseOffset |
| Offset into the string table for the License string. More...
aint | uiLicenseLength |
| Length of the License string. More...
aint | uiCopyrightOffset |
| Offset into the string table for the Copyright string. More...
aint | uiCopyrightLength |
| Length of the copyright string. More...
luint * | luipAcharTable |
| Pointer to the Achar Table - a table of all of the alphabet characters referenced by the terminal nodes, TLS, TBL & TRG. More...
aint | uiAcharTableLength |
| Number of alphabet characters in the Achar Table. More...
aint * | uipChildIndexTable |
| Pointer to a list of child indexes. ALT & CAT operators have two or more children operators. Each has a list of its children operators. This table has that list for each of the ALT and CAT operators in the SABNF grammar. More...
aint | uiChildIndexTableLength |
| The number of indexes (integers) in the child index table. More...
api_op * | spOpcodes |
| Pointer to the array of opcodes for the SANF grammar. More...
aint | uiOpcodeCount |
| Number of opcodes. More...
abool | bUsePppt |
| True of PPPT are being used. More...
uint8_t * | ucpPpptUndecidedMap |
| Common PPPT character map for an operator that is indeterminate on the next alphabet character. More...
uint8_t * | ucpPpptEmptyMap |
| Common PPPT character map for an operator that is an empty match on the next alphabet character. More...
uint8_t * | ucpPpptTable |
| Pointer to the PPPT table of operator maps. More...
luint | luiPpptTableLength |
| The PPPT length. More...
luint | luiPpptMapCount |
| The number of operator maps in the table. More...
luint | luiPpptMapSize |
| The size, in bytes, of a single operator map. More...
luint | luiAcharMin |
| The minimum alphabet character referenced by the terminal nodes, TLS, TBL & TRG. More...
luint | luiAcharMax |
| The maximum alphabet character referenced by the terminal nodes, TLS, TBL & TRG. More...
luint | luiAcharEos |
| The special End-Of-String character. In practice, luiAcharMax + 1. More...
void * | vpLog |
| A msglog context for error reporting. More...
abool | bInputValid |
| APG_TRUE if theer is input and it has been validated, APG_FALSE otherwise. More...
abool | bSyntaxValid |
| APG_TRUE if the input syntax is valid, APG_FALSE otherwise. More...
abool | bSemanticsValid |
| APG_TRUE if the the input semantics are valid. That is, the opcodes for the parser have been generated. APG_FALSE otherwise. More...
abool | bAttributesValid |
| APG_TRUE if there the rule attributes have been computed and have no fatal errors, APG_FALSE otherwise. More...
abool | bAttributesComputed |
| APG_TRUE if attributes have been computed (even is there are attribute errors), APG_FALSE otherwise. More...