module.exports = function grammar(){
copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 Lowell D. Thomas, all rights reserved
license: BSD-2-Clause (
Generated by apg-js, Version 4.2.1 apg-js
module.exports = function grammar(){
rules = 10
udts = 0
opcodes = 42
--- ABNF original opcodes
ALT = 1
CAT = 8
REP = 6
RNM = 13
TLS = 9
TBS = 1
TRG = 2
--- SABNF superset opcodes
UDT = 0
AND = 1
NOT = 1
BKA = 0
BKN = 0
BKR = 0
ABG = 0
AEN = 0
characters = [9 - 126]
/* OBJECT IDENTIFIER (for internal parser use) */
this.grammarObject = 'grammarObject';
/* RULES */
this.rules = [];
this.rules[0] = {name: 'comment', lower: 'comment', index: 0, isBkr: false};
this.rules[1] = {name: 'begin', lower: 'begin', index: 1, isBkr: false};
this.rules[2] = {name: 'end', lower: 'end', index: 2, isBkr: false};
this.rules[3] = {name: 'any', lower: 'any', index: 3, isBkr: false};
this.rules[4] = {name: 'AnBnCn', lower: 'anbncn', index: 4, isBkr: false};
this.rules[5] = {name: 'Prefix', lower: 'prefix', index: 5, isBkr: false};
this.rules[6] = {name: 'ConsumeAs', lower: 'consumeas', index: 6, isBkr: false};
this.rules[7] = {name: 'AnBn', lower: 'anbn', index: 7, isBkr: false};
this.rules[8] = {name: 'BnCn', lower: 'bncn', index: 8, isBkr: false};
this.rules[9] = {name: 'OtherBnCn', lower: 'otherbncn', index: 9, isBkr: false};
/* UDTS */
this.udts = [];
/* comment */
this.rules[0].opcodes = [];
this.rules[0].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,7]};// CAT
this.rules[0].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 1};// RNM(begin)
this.rules[0].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[0].opcodes[3] = {type: 2, children: [4,6]};// CAT
this.rules[0].opcodes[4] = {type: 13};// NOT
this.rules[0].opcodes[5] = {type: 4, index: 4};// RNM(AnBnCn)
this.rules[0].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 3};// RNM(any)
this.rules[0].opcodes[7] = {type: 4, index: 2};// RNM(end)
/* begin */
this.rules[1].opcodes = [];
this.rules[1].opcodes[0] = {type: 4, index: 7};// RNM(AnBn)
/* end */
this.rules[2].opcodes = [];
this.rules[2].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,3]};// CAT
this.rules[2].opcodes[1] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[2].opcodes[2] = {type: 7, string: [97]};// TLS
this.rules[2].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 9};// RNM(OtherBnCn)
/* any */
this.rules[3].opcodes = [];
this.rules[3].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[3].opcodes[1] = {type: 5, min: 32, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[3].opcodes[2] = {type: 5, min: 9, max: 10};// TRG
this.rules[3].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [13]};// TBS
/* AnBnCn */
this.rules[4].opcodes = [];
this.rules[4].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,3,4]};// CAT
this.rules[4].opcodes[1] = {type: 12};// AND
this.rules[4].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 5};// RNM(Prefix)
this.rules[4].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 6};// RNM(ConsumeAs)
this.rules[4].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 8};// RNM(BnCn)
/* Prefix */
this.rules[5].opcodes = [];
this.rules[5].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2]};// CAT
this.rules[5].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 7};// RNM(AnBn)
this.rules[5].opcodes[2] = {type: 7, string: [99]};// TLS
/* ConsumeAs */
this.rules[6].opcodes = [];
this.rules[6].opcodes[0] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[6].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [97]};// TLS
/* AnBn */
this.rules[7].opcodes = [];
this.rules[7].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,4]};// CAT
this.rules[7].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [97]};// TLS
this.rules[7].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[7].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 7};// RNM(AnBn)
this.rules[7].opcodes[4] = {type: 7, string: [98]};// TLS
/* BnCn */
this.rules[8].opcodes = [];
this.rules[8].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,4]};// CAT
this.rules[8].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [98]};// TLS
this.rules[8].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[8].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 8};// RNM(BnCn)
this.rules[8].opcodes[4] = {type: 7, string: [99]};// TLS
/* OtherBnCn */
this.rules[9].opcodes = [];
this.rules[9].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,4]};// CAT
this.rules[9].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [98]};// TLS
this.rules[9].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[9].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 9};// RNM(OtherBnCn)
this.rules[9].opcodes[4] = {type: 7, string: [99]};// TLS
The toString()
function will display the original grammar file(s) that produced these opcodes.
this.toString = function toString(){
let str = "";
str += ";\n";
str += "; make-shift example to verify suppression of AST\n";
str += "; within nested syntactic predicates\n";
str += "; the \"!anbncn\" term expands to \"!(&prefix consumeas bncn)\"\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; should accept strings like:\n";
str += "; \"aabb aaaaa aaabbbccc\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "comment = begin *(!anbncn any) end\n";
str += "begin = anbn\n";
str += "end = *\"a\" OtherBnCn\n";
str += "any = %d32-126 / %d9-10 / %d13\n";
str += "AnBnCn = &Prefix ConsumeAs BnCn\n";
str += "Prefix = AnBn \"c\"\n";
str += "ConsumeAs = *\"a\"\n";
str += "AnBn = \"a\" [AnBn] \"b\"\n";
str += "BnCn = \"b\" [BnCn] \"c\"\n";
str += "OtherBnCn = \"b\" [OtherBnCn] \"c\"\n";
return str;