module.exports = function grammar(){
copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 Lowell D. Thomas, all rights reserved
license: BSD-2-Clause (
Generated by apg-js, Version 4.2.1 apg-js
module.exports = function grammar(){
rules = 24
udts = 0
opcodes = 137
--- ABNF original opcodes
ALT = 20
CAT = 15
REP = 17
RNM = 51
TLS = 5
TBS = 17
TRG = 12
--- SABNF superset opcodes
UDT = 0
AND = 0
NOT = 0
BKA = 0
BKN = 0
BKR = 0
ABG = 0
AEN = 0
characters = [9 - 126]
/* OBJECT IDENTIFIER (for internal parser use) */
this.grammarObject = 'grammarObject';
/* RULES */
this.rules = [];
this.rules[0] = {name: 'IniFile', lower: 'inifile', index: 0, isBkr: false};
this.rules[1] = {name: 'Section', lower: 'section', index: 1, isBkr: false};
this.rules[2] = {name: 'SectionLine', lower: 'sectionline', index: 2, isBkr: false};
this.rules[3] = {name: 'GoodSectionLine', lower: 'goodsectionline', index: 3, isBkr: false};
this.rules[4] = {name: 'BadSectionLine', lower: 'badsectionline', index: 4, isBkr: false};
this.rules[5] = {name: 'ValueLine', lower: 'valueline', index: 5, isBkr: false};
this.rules[6] = {name: 'GoodValueLine', lower: 'goodvalueline', index: 6, isBkr: false};
this.rules[7] = {name: 'BadValueLine', lower: 'badvalueline', index: 7, isBkr: false};
this.rules[8] = {name: 'ValueArray', lower: 'valuearray', index: 8, isBkr: false};
this.rules[9] = {name: 'SectionName', lower: 'sectionname', index: 9, isBkr: false};
this.rules[10] = {name: 'KeyName', lower: 'keyname', index: 10, isBkr: false};
this.rules[11] = {name: 'Value', lower: 'value', index: 11, isBkr: false};
this.rules[12] = {name: 'DQuotedString', lower: 'dquotedstring', index: 12, isBkr: false};
this.rules[13] = {name: 'SQuotedString', lower: 'squotedstring', index: 13, isBkr: false};
this.rules[14] = {name: 'AlphaDigit', lower: 'alphadigit', index: 14, isBkr: false};
this.rules[15] = {name: 'BlankLine', lower: 'blankline', index: 15, isBkr: false};
this.rules[16] = {name: 'GoodBlankLine', lower: 'goodblankline', index: 16, isBkr: false};
this.rules[17] = {name: 'BadBlankLine', lower: 'badblankline', index: 17, isBkr: false};
this.rules[18] = {name: 'LineEnd', lower: 'lineend', index: 18, isBkr: false};
this.rules[19] = {name: 'comment', lower: 'comment', index: 19, isBkr: false};
this.rules[20] = {name: 'wsp', lower: 'wsp', index: 20, isBkr: false};
this.rules[21] = {name: 'alpha', lower: 'alpha', index: 21, isBkr: false};
this.rules[22] = {name: 'digit', lower: 'digit', index: 22, isBkr: false};
this.rules[23] = {name: 'any', lower: 'any', index: 23, isBkr: false};
/* UDTS */
this.udts = [];
/* IniFile */
this.rules[0].opcodes = [];
this.rules[0].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,5]};// CAT
this.rules[0].opcodes[1] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[0].opcodes[2] = {type: 1, children: [3,4]};// ALT
this.rules[0].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 15};// RNM(BlankLine)
this.rules[0].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 5};// RNM(ValueLine)
this.rules[0].opcodes[5] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[0].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 1};// RNM(Section)
/* Section */
this.rules[1].opcodes = [];
this.rules[1].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2]};// CAT
this.rules[1].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 2};// RNM(SectionLine)
this.rules[1].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[1].opcodes[3] = {type: 1, children: [4,5]};// ALT
this.rules[1].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 15};// RNM(BlankLine)
this.rules[1].opcodes[5] = {type: 4, index: 5};// RNM(ValueLine)
/* SectionLine */
this.rules[2].opcodes = [];
this.rules[2].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2]};// ALT
this.rules[2].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 3};// RNM(GoodSectionLine)
this.rules[2].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 4};// RNM(BadSectionLine)
/* GoodSectionLine */
this.rules[3].opcodes = [];
this.rules[3].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9]};// CAT
this.rules[3].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [91]};// TLS
this.rules[3].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[3].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 9};// RNM(SectionName)
this.rules[3].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[3].opcodes[5] = {type: 7, string: [93]};// TLS
this.rules[3].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[3].opcodes[7] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[3].opcodes[8] = {type: 4, index: 19};// RNM(comment)
this.rules[3].opcodes[9] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* BadSectionLine */
this.rules[4].opcodes = [];
this.rules[4].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,4]};// CAT
this.rules[4].opcodes[1] = {type: 7, string: [91]};// TLS
this.rules[4].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[4].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 23};// RNM(any)
this.rules[4].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* ValueLine */
this.rules[5].opcodes = [];
this.rules[5].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2]};// ALT
this.rules[5].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 6};// RNM(GoodValueLine)
this.rules[5].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 7};// RNM(BadValueLine)
/* GoodValueLine */
this.rules[6].opcodes = [];
this.rules[6].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9]};// CAT
this.rules[6].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 10};// RNM(KeyName)
this.rules[6].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[6].opcodes[3] = {type: 7, string: [61]};// TLS
this.rules[6].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[6].opcodes[5] = {type: 4, index: 8};// RNM(ValueArray)
this.rules[6].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[6].opcodes[7] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[6].opcodes[8] = {type: 4, index: 19};// RNM(comment)
this.rules[6].opcodes[9] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* BadValueLine */
this.rules[7].opcodes = [];
this.rules[7].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,4,6]};// CAT
this.rules[7].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[7].opcodes[2] = {type: 5, min: 33, max: 90};// TRG
this.rules[7].opcodes[3] = {type: 5, min: 92, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[7].opcodes[4] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[7].opcodes[5] = {type: 4, index: 23};// RNM(any)
this.rules[7].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* ValueArray */
this.rules[8].opcodes = [];
this.rules[8].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2]};// CAT
this.rules[8].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 11};// RNM(Value)
this.rules[8].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[8].opcodes[3] = {type: 2, children: [4,5,6,7]};// CAT
this.rules[8].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[8].opcodes[5] = {type: 7, string: [44]};// TLS
this.rules[8].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[8].opcodes[7] = {type: 4, index: 11};// RNM(Value)
/* SectionName */
this.rules[9].opcodes = [];
this.rules[9].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,4]};// CAT
this.rules[9].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[9].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 21};// RNM(alpha)
this.rules[9].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [95]};// TBS
this.rules[9].opcodes[4] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[9].opcodes[5] = {type: 1, children: [6,7,8]};// ALT
this.rules[9].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 21};// RNM(alpha)
this.rules[9].opcodes[7] = {type: 4, index: 22};// RNM(digit)
this.rules[9].opcodes[8] = {type: 6, string: [95]};// TBS
/* KeyName */
this.rules[10].opcodes = [];
this.rules[10].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,4]};// CAT
this.rules[10].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[10].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 21};// RNM(alpha)
this.rules[10].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [95]};// TBS
this.rules[10].opcodes[4] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[10].opcodes[5] = {type: 1, children: [6,7,8]};// ALT
this.rules[10].opcodes[6] = {type: 4, index: 21};// RNM(alpha)
this.rules[10].opcodes[7] = {type: 4, index: 22};// RNM(digit)
this.rules[10].opcodes[8] = {type: 6, string: [95]};// TBS
/* Value */
this.rules[11].opcodes = [];
this.rules[11].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[11].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 12};// RNM(DQuotedString)
this.rules[11].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 13};// RNM(SQuotedString)
this.rules[11].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 14};// RNM(AlphaDigit)
/* DQuotedString */
this.rules[12].opcodes = [];
this.rules[12].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,6]};// CAT
this.rules[12].opcodes[1] = {type: 6, string: [34]};// TBS
this.rules[12].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 1, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[12].opcodes[3] = {type: 1, children: [4,5]};// ALT
this.rules[12].opcodes[4] = {type: 5, min: 32, max: 33};// TRG
this.rules[12].opcodes[5] = {type: 5, min: 35, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[12].opcodes[6] = {type: 6, string: [34]};// TBS
/* SQuotedString */
this.rules[13].opcodes = [];
this.rules[13].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,6]};// CAT
this.rules[13].opcodes[1] = {type: 6, string: [39]};// TBS
this.rules[13].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 1, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[13].opcodes[3] = {type: 1, children: [4,5]};// ALT
this.rules[13].opcodes[4] = {type: 5, min: 32, max: 38};// TRG
this.rules[13].opcodes[5] = {type: 5, min: 40, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[13].opcodes[6] = {type: 6, string: [39]};// TBS
/* AlphaDigit */
this.rules[14].opcodes = [];
this.rules[14].opcodes[0] = {type: 3, min: 1, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[14].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[14].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 21};// RNM(alpha)
this.rules[14].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 22};// RNM(digit)
/* BlankLine */
this.rules[15].opcodes = [];
this.rules[15].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2]};// ALT
this.rules[15].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 16};// RNM(GoodBlankLine)
this.rules[15].opcodes[2] = {type: 4, index: 17};// RNM(BadBlankLine)
/* GoodBlankLine */
this.rules[16].opcodes = [];
this.rules[16].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2,4]};// CAT
this.rules[16].opcodes[1] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[16].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: 1};// REP
this.rules[16].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 19};// RNM(comment)
this.rules[16].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* BadBlankLine */
this.rules[17].opcodes = [];
this.rules[17].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,4,5,8,10]};// CAT
this.rules[17].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[17].opcodes[2] = {type: 6, string: [32]};// TBS
this.rules[17].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [9]};// TBS
this.rules[17].opcodes[4] = {type: 4, index: 20};// RNM(wsp)
this.rules[17].opcodes[5] = {type: 1, children: [6,7]};// ALT
this.rules[17].opcodes[6] = {type: 5, min: 33, max: 58};// TRG
this.rules[17].opcodes[7] = {type: 5, min: 60, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[17].opcodes[8] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[17].opcodes[9] = {type: 4, index: 23};// RNM(any)
this.rules[17].opcodes[10] = {type: 4, index: 18};// RNM(LineEnd)
/* LineEnd */
this.rules[18].opcodes = [];
this.rules[18].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[18].opcodes[1] = {type: 6, string: [13,10]};// TBS
this.rules[18].opcodes[2] = {type: 6, string: [10]};// TBS
this.rules[18].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [13]};// TBS
/* comment */
this.rules[19].opcodes = [];
this.rules[19].opcodes[0] = {type: 2, children: [1,2]};// CAT
this.rules[19].opcodes[1] = {type: 6, string: [59]};// TBS
this.rules[19].opcodes[2] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[19].opcodes[3] = {type: 4, index: 23};// RNM(any)
/* wsp */
this.rules[20].opcodes = [];
this.rules[20].opcodes[0] = {type: 3, min: 0, max: Infinity};// REP
this.rules[20].opcodes[1] = {type: 1, children: [2,3]};// ALT
this.rules[20].opcodes[2] = {type: 6, string: [32]};// TBS
this.rules[20].opcodes[3] = {type: 6, string: [9]};// TBS
/* alpha */
this.rules[21].opcodes = [];
this.rules[21].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2]};// ALT
this.rules[21].opcodes[1] = {type: 5, min: 65, max: 90};// TRG
this.rules[21].opcodes[2] = {type: 5, min: 97, max: 122};// TRG
/* digit */
this.rules[22].opcodes = [];
this.rules[22].opcodes[0] = {type: 5, min: 48, max: 57};// TRG
/* any */
this.rules[23].opcodes = [];
this.rules[23].opcodes[0] = {type: 1, children: [1,2]};// ALT
this.rules[23].opcodes[1] = {type: 5, min: 32, max: 126};// TRG
this.rules[23].opcodes[2] = {type: 6, string: [9]};// TBS
The toString()
function will display the original grammar file(s) that produced these opcodes.
this.toString = function toString(){
let str = "";
str += ";\n";
str += "; Ref: INI File\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; comments begin with the semicolon, \";\" and continue to the end of the line\n";
str += "; comments may appear on valid section and value lines as well as blank lines\n";
str += "; line ends may be CRLF, LF or CR\n";
str += "; tabs, 0x09, may NOT occur in quoted strings\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; keys may have multiple values\n";
str += "; - multiple values may be given as a comma delimited list on a single line\n";
str += "; - multiple values may be listed separately on separate lines with the same key name\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; section names are optional\n";
str += "; - keys need not appear in a named section\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; sections are \"disjoint\",\n";
str += "; - that is the keys in multiple occurrences of a section name are\n";
str += "; - simply joined together as if they appeared contiguously in a single section\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; sections end at the beginning of a new section or the end of file\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; section and key names are alphanumeric + underscore (must begin with alpha or underscore)\n";
str += "; values that are not alphanumeric must be single or double quoted\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "; The grammar is designed to accept any string of ASCII characters without failure.\n";
str += "; The \"error productions\", BadSectionLine, BadValueLine, BadBlankLine are meant to accept all lines\n";
str += "; that are not otherwise correct blank, section or value lines. This is so that\n";
str += "; parser callback functions can recognize input errors and report or react to them\n";
str += "; in an application-dependent manner.\n";
str += ";\n";
str += ";\n";
str += "IniFile = *(BlankLine/ValueLine) *Section\n";
str += "Section = SectionLine *(BlankLine/ValueLine)\n";
str += "SectionLine = GoodSectionLine/BadSectionLine\n";
str += "GoodSectionLine = \"[\" wsp SectionName wsp \"]\" wsp [comment] LineEnd\n";
str += "BadSectionLine = \"[\" *any LineEnd;\n";
str += "ValueLine = GoodValueLine/BadValueLine\n";
str += "GoodValueLine = KeyName wsp \"=\" wsp ValueArray wsp [comment] LineEnd\n";
str += "BadValueLine = (%d33-90/%d92-126) *any LineEnd\n";
str += "ValueArray = Value *(wsp \",\" wsp Value)\n";
str += "SectionName = (alpha/%d95) *(alpha/digit/%d95)\n";
str += "KeyName = (alpha/%d95) *(alpha/digit/%d95)\n";
str += "Value = DQuotedString/SQuotedString/AlphaDigit\n";
str += "DQuotedString = %d34 1*(%d32-33/%d35-126) %d34\n";
str += "SQuotedString = %d39 1*(%d32-38/%d40-126) %d39\n";
str += "AlphaDigit = 1*(alpha/digit)\n";
str += "BlankLine = GoodBlankLine/BadBlankLine\n";
str += "GoodBlankLine = wsp [comment] LineEnd\n";
str += "BadBlankLine = (%d32/%d9) wsp (%d33-58/%d60-126) *any LineEnd\n";
str += "LineEnd = %d13.10/%d10/%d13\n";
str += "comment = %d59 *any\n";
str += "wsp = *(%d32/%d9)\n";
str += "alpha = %d65-90/%d97-122\n";
str += "digit = %d48-57\n";
str += "any = %d32-126/%d9\n";
return str;