Attributes Validation
It is well known that recursive-descent parsers will fail if a rule is left recursive.
Besides left recursion, there are a couple of other fatal attributes that need to be disclosed as well.
There are several non-fatal attributes that are of interest also.
This module will determine six different attributes listed here with simple examples.
fatal attributes
left recursion
S = S “x” / “y”
S = S
S = “y” S
non-fatal attributes (but nice to know)
nested recursion
S = “a” S “b” / “y”
right recursion
S = “x” S / “y”
empty string
S = “x” S / “”
Note that these are “aggregate” attributes, in that if the attribute is true it only means that it can be true,
not that it will always be true for every input string.
In the simple examples above the attributes may be obvious and definite – always true or false.
However, for a large grammar with possibly hundreds of rules and parse tree branches,
it can be obscure which branches lead to which attributes.
Furthermore, different input strings will lead the parser down different branches.
One input string may parse perfectly while another will hit a left-recursive branch and bottom out the call stack.
It is for this reason that the APG parser generator computes these attributes.
When using the API the attributes call is optional but generating a parser without checking the attributes - proceed at your own peril.
Additionally, the attribute phase will identify rule dependencies and mutually-recursive groups. For example,
S = “a” A “b” / “y”
A = “x”
S is dependent on A but A is not dependent on S.
S = “a” A “b” / “c”
A = “x” S “y” / “z”
S and A are dependent on one another and are mutually recursive.
module.exports = (function exportAttributes() {
const id = require('../apg-lib/identifiers');
const { ruleAttributes, showAttributes, showAttributeErrors } = require('./rule-attributes');
const { ruleDependencies, showRuleDependencies } = require('./rule-dependencies');
class State {
constructor(rules, udts) {
this.rules = rules;
this.udts = udts;
this.ruleCount = rules.length;
this.udtCount = udts.length;
this.startRule = 0;
this.dependenciesComplete = false;
this.attributesComplete = false;
this.isMutuallyRecursive = false;
this.ruleIndexes = this.indexArray(this.ruleCount);
this.ruleAlphaIndexes = this.indexArray(this.ruleCount);
this.ruleTypeIndexes = this.indexArray(this.ruleCount);
this.udtIndexes = this.indexArray(this.udtCount);
this.udtAlphaIndexes = this.indexArray(this.udtCount);
this.attrsErrorCount = 0;
this.attrs = [];
this.attrsErrors = [];
this.attrsWorking = [];
this.ruleDeps = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.ruleCount; i += 1) {
this.ruleDeps.push(this.rdGen(rules[i], this.ruleCount, this.udtCount));
this.compRulesAlpha = this.compRulesAlpha.bind(this);
this.compUdtsAlpha = this.compUdtsAlpha.bind(this);
this.compRulesType = this.compRulesType.bind(this);
this.compRulesGroup = this.compRulesGroup.bind(this);