* @file src/parse-siwe.js
* @author Lowell D. Thomas <ldt@sabnf.com>
import { Parser } from './parser.js';
import { default as Grammar } from './grammar.js';
import { cb } from './callbacks.js';
import { isERC55, toERC55 } from './keccak256.js';
export { parseSiweMessage, isUri, siweObjectToString };
* Parses an [ERC-4361: Sign-In with Ethereum](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4361)
* message to an object with the message components.
* @param {string} msg the ERC-4361 message
* @param {string} erc55 controls [ERC-55](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-55) processing of the message address<br>
* - 'validate' - (default) parser fails if address is not in ERC-55 encoding
* - 'convert' - parser will convert the address to ERC-55 encoding
* - 'other' - (actually, any value other than 'validate', 'convert' or undefined) parser ignores ERC-55 encoding
* @returns An siwe message object or throws exception with instructive message on format error.<br>
* e.g. message
* ````
example.com:80 wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:
Valid statement
URI: https://example.com/login
Version: 1
Chain ID: 123456789
Nonce: 32891756
Issued At: 2021-09-30T16:25:24Z
Request ID: someRequestId
- ftp://myftpsite.com/
- https://example.com/my-web2-claim.json
* ````
* returns object, obj:
* ````
obj.scheme = undefined
obj.domain = 'example.com:80'
obj.address = '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2'
obj.statement = 'Valid statement'
obj.uri = 'https://example.com/login'
obj.version = 1
obj.chainId = 123456789
obj.nonce = '32891756'
obj.issuedAt = '2021-09-30T16:25:24Z'
obj.expirationTime = undefined
obj.notBefore = undefined
obj.requestId = 'someRequestId'
obj.resources = [ 'ftp://myftpsite.com/', 'https://example.com/my-web2-claim.json' ]
* ````
function parseSiweMessage(msg, erc55 = 'validate') {
const fname = 'parseSiweMessage: ';
if (typeof msg !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`${fname} invalid input msg: message must be of type string`);
const p = new Parser();
const g = new Grammar();
// set the parser's callback functions
p.callbacks['ffscheme'] = cb.ffscheme;
p.callbacks['fdomain'] = cb.fdomain;
p.callbacks['faddress'] = cb.faddress;
p.callbacks['fstatement'] = cb.fstatement;
p.callbacks['furi'] = cb.furi;
p.callbacks['fnonce'] = cb.fnonce;
p.callbacks['fversion'] = cb.fversion;
p.callbacks['fchain-id'] = cb.fchainId;
p.callbacks['fissued-at'] = cb.fissuedAt;
p.callbacks['fexpiration-time'] = cb.fexpirationTime;
p.callbacks['fnot-before'] = cb.fnotBefore;
p.callbacks['frequest-id'] = cb.frequestId;
p.callbacks['fresources'] = cb.fresources;
p.callbacks['fresource'] = cb.fresource;
p.callbacks['empty-statement'] = cb.emptyStatement;
p.callbacks['no-statement'] = cb.noStatement;
p.callbacks['actual-statement'] = cb.actualStatment;
p.callbacks['pre-uri'] = cb.preUri;
p.callbacks['pre-version'] = cb.preVersion;
p.callbacks['pre-chain-id'] = cb.preChainId;
p.callbacks['pre-nonce'] = cb.preNonce;
p.callbacks['pre-issued-at'] = cb.preIssuedAt;
// URI callbacks
p.callbacks['uri'] = cb.URI;
p.callbacks['scheme'] = cb.scheme;
p.callbacks['userinfo-at'] = cb.userinfo;
p.callbacks['host'] = cb.host;
p.callbacks['IP-literal'] = cb.ipLiteral;
p.callbacks['port'] = cb.port;
p.callbacks['path-abempty'] = cb.pathAbempty;
p.callbacks['path-absolute'] = cb.pathAbsolute;
p.callbacks['path-rootless'] = cb.pathRootless;
p.callbacks['path-empty'] = cb.pathEmpty;
p.callbacks['query'] = cb.query;
p.callbacks['fragment'] = cb.fragment;
p.callbacks['IPv4address'] = cb.ipv4;
p.callbacks['nodcolon'] = cb.nodcolon;
p.callbacks['dcolon'] = cb.dcolon;
p.callbacks['h16'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16c'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16n'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16cn'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['dec-octet'] = cb.decOctet;
p.callbacks['dec-digit'] = cb.decDigit;
// BEGIN: some parser helper functions
function validateDateTime(time, name = 'unknown') {
const ret = p.parse(g, 'date-time', time);
if (!ret.success || isNaN(Date.parse(time))) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid date time: ${name} not date time string format: ${time}`);
function validInt(i) {
const valid = parseInt(i, 10);
if (isNaN(valid)) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid integer: not a number: ${i}`);
} else if (valid === Infinity) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid integer: Infinity: ${i}`);
return valid;
// Validates an RFC 3986 URI.
// returns true if the URI is valid, false otherwise
function isUri(URI) {
ret = p.parse(g, 'uri', URI, {});
return ret.success;
// END: some parser helper functions
// first pass parse of the message
// capture all the message parts, then validate them one-by-one later
let data = { error: false };
let ret;
ret = p.parse(g, 'siwe-first-pass', msg, data);
if (data.error) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid siwe message: ${data.error}`);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(
`${fname}invalid siwe message: carefully check message syntax, especially after required "Issued At: "\n${JSON.stringify(
if (data.fscheme) {
// validate the scheme
ret = p.parse(g, 'scheme', data.fscheme, {});
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid scheme: ${data.fscheme}`);
// validate the domain
ret = p.parse(g, 'authority', data.fdomain, {});
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid domain: ${data.fdomain}`);
// validate the address
ret = p.parse(g, 'address', data.faddress);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid address: ${data.faddress}`);
if (erc55 == 'validate') {
// address must be ERC55 format
if (!isERC55(data.faddress)) {
throw new Error(
`${fname}invalid ERC-55 format address: 'validate' specified, MUST be ERC55-conformant: ${data.faddress}`
} else if (erc55 === 'convert') {
// convert address to ERC55 format
data.faddress = toERC55(data.faddress);
// else for any other value of erc55 no further action on the address is taken
// validate the statement
if (data.fstatement !== undefined && data.fstatement !== '') {
ret = p.parse(g, 'statement', data.fstatement);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid statement: ${data.fstatement}`);
// validate the URI
if (!isUri(data.furi)) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid URI: ${data.furi}`);
// validate the version
ret = p.parse(g, 'version', data.fversion);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid Version: ${data.fversion}`);
data.fversion = validInt(data.fversion);
// validate the chain-id
ret = p.parse(g, 'chain-id', data.fchainId);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid Chain ID: ${data.fchainId}`);
data.fchainId = validInt(data.fchainId);
// validate nonce
ret = p.parse(g, 'nonce', data.fnonce);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid Nonce: ${data.fnonce}`);
// validate the date times
validateDateTime(data.fissuedAt, 'Issued At');
if (data.fexpirationTime) {
validateDateTime(data.fexpirationTime, 'Expiration Time');
if (data.fnotBefore) {
validateDateTime(data.fnotBefore, 'Not Before');
// validate request-id
if (data.frequestId !== undefined && data.frequestId !== '') {
ret = p.parse(g, 'request-id', data.frequestId);
if (!ret.success) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid Request ID: i${data.frequestId}`);
// validate all resource URIs, if any
if (data.fresources && data.fresources.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.fresources.length; i++) {
if (!isUri(data.fresources[i])) {
throw new Error(`${fname}invalid resource URI [${i}]: ${data.fresources[i]}`);
// by now all first-pass values (e.g. fscheme) have been validated
const o = {};
o.scheme = data.fscheme;
o.domain = data.fdomain;
o.address = data.faddress;
o.statement = data.fstatement;
o.uri = data.furi;
o.version = data.fversion;
o.chainId = data.fchainId;
o.nonce = data.fnonce;
o.issuedAt = data.fissuedAt;
o.expirationTime = data.fexpirationTime;
o.notBefore = data.fnotBefore;
o.requestId = data.frequestId;
o.resources = undefined;
if (data.fresources) {
o.resources = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.fresources.length; i++) {
return o;
* Parses a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) defined in [RFC 3986](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986).
* @param {string} URI the URI to parse
* @returns `false` if the URI is invalid, otherwise a URI object. e.g.<br>
* ````
* const obj = isUri('uri://user:pass@example.com:123/one/two.three?q1=a1&q2=a2#body');
* ````
* returns:
* ````
* obj.scheme = 'uri'
* obj.userinfo = 'user:pass'
* obj.host = 'example.com',
* obj.port = 123,
* obj.path = '/one/two.three',
* obj.query = 'q1=a1&q2=a2',
* obj.fragment = 'body'
* ````
function isUri(URI) {
const p = new Parser();
const g = new Grammar();
const uriData = {};
p.callbacks['uri'] = cb.URI;
p.callbacks['scheme'] = cb.scheme;
p.callbacks['userinfo-at'] = cb.userinfo;
p.callbacks['host'] = cb.host;
p.callbacks['IP-literal'] = cb.ipLiteral;
p.callbacks['port'] = cb.port;
p.callbacks['path-abempty'] = cb.pathAbempty;
p.callbacks['path-absolute'] = cb.pathAbsolute;
p.callbacks['path-rootless'] = cb.pathRootless;
p.callbacks['path-empty'] = cb.pathEmpty;
p.callbacks['query'] = cb.query;
p.callbacks['fragment'] = cb.fragment;
p.callbacks['IPv4address'] = cb.ipv4;
p.callbacks['nodcolon'] = cb.nodcolon;
p.callbacks['dcolon'] = cb.dcolon;
p.callbacks['h16'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16c'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16n'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['h16cn'] = cb.h16;
p.callbacks['dec-octet'] = cb.decOctet;
p.callbacks['dec-digit'] = cb.decDigit;
const ret = p.parse(g, 'uri', URI, uriData);
if (!ret.success) {
return false;
const uriObject = {
uri: uriData['uri'],
scheme: uriData['scheme'],
userinfo: uriData['userinfo'],
host: uriData['host'],
port: uriData['port'],
path: uriData['path'],
query: uriData['query'],
fragment: uriData['fragment'],
return uriObject;
* Stringify an [ERC-4361: Sign-In with Ethereum](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4361) (siwe) object.
* Note that this function does no validation of the input object.
* It simply returns a string that includes the valid parts of the object, if any.
* For validation, use {@link parseSiweMessage}.
* @param {object} o an siwe message object (see {@link parseSiweMessage} )
* @returns A stringified version of the object suitable as input to {@link parseSiweMessage}.
* For example, to validate an siwe object <br>*(ignore backslash, JSDoc can't handle closed bracket character without it)*:
* ````
* try{
* parseSiweMessage(siweObjectToString(siweObject));
* console.log('siweObject is valid');
* \}catch(e){
* console.log('siweObject is not valid: ' + e.message);
* \}
* ````
function siweObjectToString(o) {
let str = '';
if (typeof o !== 'object') {
return str;
if (o.scheme && o.scheme !== '') {
str += `${o.scheme}://`;
if (o.domain && o.domain !== '') {
str += o.domain;
str += ' wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n';
if (o.address && o.address !== '') {
str += `${o.address}\n`;
str += '\n';
if (o.statement !== undefined) {
str += `${o.statement}\n`;
str += '\n';
if (o.uri && o.uri !== '') {
str += `URI: ${o.uri}\n`;
if (o['version'] && o['version'] !== '') {
str += `Version: ${o['version']}\n`;
if (o['chainId'] && o['chainId'] !== '') {
str += `Chain ID: ${o['chainId']}\n`;
if (o['nonce'] && o['nonce'] !== '') {
str += `Nonce: ${o['nonce']}\n`;
if (o['issuedAt'] && o['issuedAt'] !== '') {
str += `Issued At: ${o['issuedAt']}`;
if (o['expirationTime'] && o['expirationTime'] !== '') {
str += `\nExpiration Time: ${o['expirationTime']}`;
if (o['notBefore'] && o['notBefore'] !== '') {
str += `\nNot Before: ${o['notBefore']}`;
if (o['requestId'] !== undefined) {
str += `\nRequest ID: ${o['requestId']}`;
if (o['resources']) {
str += `\nResources:`;
if (Array.isArray(o.resources)) {
for (let i = 0; i < o.resources.length; i++) {
str += `\n- ${o.resources[i]}`;
return str;