Version 7.0
Copyright © 2021 Lowell D. Thomas
… an ABNF Parser Generator
Appendix C. The ABNF Grammar for SABNF

APG is a parser generator. From a language definition, or grammar, it generates a parser for the defined language. That is, the parser generator is, itself, a parser of the language definition's grammar. For this reason parser generators are often referred to as compiler-compilers. In the case of ABNF, an ABNF grammar can be and is used to define ABNF itself. Similarly, an ABNF grammar can be used to define the full superset SABNF and that is given here.

See ./apg/abnf-for-sabnf.abnf for the currently used grammar.

; ABNF for SABNF (APG 7.0)
; RFC 5234 with some restrictions and additions.
; Updated 11/24/2015 for RFC 7405 case-sensitive literal string notation
;  - accepts %s"string" as a case-sensitive string
;  - accepts %i"string" as a case-insensitive string
;  - accepts "string" as a case-insensitive string
;  - accepts 'string' as a case-sensitive string
; Some restrictions:
;   1. Rules must begin at first character of each line.
;      Indentations on first rule and rules thereafter are not allowed.
;   2. Relaxed line endings. CRLF, LF or CR are accepted as valid line ending.
;   3. Prose values, i.e. <prose value>, are accepted as valid grammar syntax.
;      However, a working parser cannot be generated from them.
; Super set (SABNF) additions:
;   1. Look-ahead (syntactic predicate) operators are accepted as element prefixes.
;      & is the positive look-ahead operator, succeeds and backtracks if the look-ahead phrase is found
;      ! is the negative look-ahead operator, succeeds and backtracks if the look-ahead phrase is NOT found
;      e.g. &%d13 or &rule or !(A / B)
;   2. User-Defined Terminals (UDT) of the form, u_name and e_name are accepted.
;      'name' is alpha followed by alpha/num/hyphen just like a rule name.
;      u_name may be used as an element but no rule definition is given.
;      e.g. rule = A / u_myUdt
;           A = "a"
;      would be a valid grammar.
;   3. Case-sensitive, single-quoted strings are accepted.
;      e.g. 'abc' would be equivalent to %d97.98.99
;      (kept for backward compatibility, but superseded by %s"abc")
; New 12/26/2015
;   4. Look-behind operators are accepted as element prefixes.
;      && is the positive look-behind operator, succeeds and backtracks if the look-behind phrase is found
;      !! is the negative look-behind operator, succeeds and backtracks if the look-behind phrase is NOT found
;      e.g. &&%d13 or &&rule or !!(A / B)
;   5. Back reference operators, i.e. \rulename, \u_udtname, are accepted.
;      A back reference operator acts like a TLS or TBS terminal except that the phrase it attempts
;      to match is a phrase previously matched by the rule 'rulename'.
;      There are two modes of previous phrase matching - the parent-frame mode and the universal mode.
;      In universal mode, \rulename matches the last match to 'rulename' regardless of where it was found.
;      In parent-frame mode, \rulename matches only the last match found on the parent's frame or parse tree level.
;      Back reference modifiers can be used to specify case and mode.
;      \A defaults to case-insensitive and universal mode, e.g. \A === \%i%uA
;      Modifiers %i and %s determine case-insensitive and case-sensitive mode, respectively.
;      Modifiers %u and %p determine universal mode and parent frame mode, respectively.
;      Case and mode modifiers can appear in any order, e.g. \%s%pA === \%p%sA.
;   7. String begin anchor, ABG(%^) matches the beginning of the input string location.
;      Returns EMPTY or NOMATCH. Never consumes any characters.
;   8. String end anchor, AEN(%$) matches the end of the input string location.
;      Returns EMPTY or NOMATCH. Never consumes any characters.
File            = *(BlankLine / Rule / RuleError)
BlankLine       = *(%d32/%d9) [comment] LineEnd
Rule            = RuleLookup owsp Alternation ((owsp LineEnd)
                / (LineEndError LineEnd))
RuleLookup      = RuleNameTest owsp DefinedAsTest
RuleNameTest    = RuleName/RuleNameError
RuleName        = alphanum
RuleNameError   = 1*(%d33-60/%d62-126)
DefinedAsTest   = DefinedAs / DefinedAsError
DefinedAsError  = 1*2%d33-126
DefinedAs       = IncAlt / Defined
Defined         = %d61
IncAlt          = %d61.47
RuleError       = 1*(%d32-126 / %d9  / LineContinue) LineEnd
LineEndError    = 1*(%d32-126 / %d9  / LineContinue)
Alternation     = Concatenation *(owsp AltOp Concatenation)
Concatenation   = Repetition *(CatOp Repetition)
Repetition      = [Modifier] (Group / Option / BasicElement / BasicElementErr)
Modifier        = (Predicate [RepOp])
                / RepOp
Predicate       = BkaOp
                / BknOp
                / AndOp
                / NotOp
BasicElement    = UdtOp
                / RnmOp
                / TrgOp
                / TbsOp
                / TlsOp
                / ClsOp
                / BkrOp
                / AbgOp
                / AenOp
                / ProsVal
BasicElementErr = 1*(%d33-40/%d42-46/%d48-92/%d94-126)
Group           = GroupOpen  Alternation (GroupClose / GroupError)
GroupError      = 1*(%d33-40/%d42-46/%d48-92/%d94-126) ; same as BasicElementErr
GroupOpen       = %d40 owsp
GroupClose      = owsp %d41
Option          = OptionOpen Alternation (OptionClose / OptionError)
OptionError     = 1*(%d33-40/%d42-46/%d48-92/%d94-126) ; same as BasicElementErr
OptionOpen      = %d91 owsp
OptionClose     = owsp %d93
RnmOp           = alphanum
BkrOp           = %d92 [bkrModifier] bkr-name
bkrModifier     = (cs [um / pm]) / (ci [um / pm]) / (um [cs /ci]) / (pm [cs / ci])
cs              = '%s'
ci              = '%i'
um              = '%u'
pm              = '%p'
bkr-name        = uname / ename / rname
rname           = alphanum
uname           = %d117.95 alphanum
ename           = %d101.95 alphanum
UdtOp           = udt-empty
                / udt-non-empty
udt-non-empty   = %d117.95 alphanum
udt-empty       = %d101.95 alphanum
RepOp           = (rep-min %d42 rep-max)
                / (rep-min %d42)
                / (%d42 rep-max)
                / %d42
                / rep-min-max
AltOp           = %d47 owsp
CatOp           = wsp
AndOp           = %d38
NotOp           = %d33
BkaOp           = %d38.38
BknOp           = %d33.33
AbgOp           = %d37.94
AenOp           = %d37.36
TrgOp           = %d37 ((Dec dmin %d45 dmax) / (Hex xmin %d45 xmax) / (Bin bmin %d45 bmax))
TbsOp           = %d37 ((Dec dString *(%d46 dString)) / (Hex xString *(%d46 xString)) / (Bin bString *(%d46 bString)))
TlsOp           = [TlsCase] TlsOpen TlsString TlsClose
TlsCase         = ci / cs
TlsOpen         = %d34
TlsClose        = %d34
TlsString       = *(%d32-33/%d35-126/StringTab)
StringTab       = %d9
ClsOp           = ClsOpen ClsString ClsClose
ClsOpen         = %d39
ClsClose        = %d39
ClsString       = 1*(%d32-38/%d40-126/StringTab)
ProsVal         = ProsValOpen ProsValString ProsValClose
ProsValOpen     = %d60
ProsValString   = *(%d32-61/%d63-126/StringTab)
ProsValClose    = %d62
rep-min         = rep-num
rep-min-max     = rep-num
rep-max         = rep-num
rep-num         = 1*(%d48-57)
dString         = dnum
xString         = xnum
bString         = bnum
Dec             = (%d68/%d100)
Hex             = (%d88/%d120)
Bin             = (%d66/%d98)
dmin            = dnum
dmax            = dnum
bmin            = bnum
bmax            = bnum
xmin            = xnum
xmax            = xnum
dnum            = 1*(%d48-57)
bnum            = 1*%d48-49
xnum            = 1*(%d48-57 / %d65-70 / %d97-102)
; Basics
alphanum        = (%d97-122/%d65-90) *(%d97-122/%d65-90/%d48-57/%d45)
owsp            = *space
wsp             = 1*space
space           = %d32
                / %d9
                / comment
                / LineContinue
comment         = %d59 *(%d32-126 / %d9)
LineEnd         = %d13.10
                / %d10
                / %d13
LineContinue    = (%d13.10 / %d10 / %d13) (%d32 / %d9)
APG Version 7.0 is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License,
an Open Source Initiative Approved License.