apgExp Constructor
apg-exp is a pattern-matching engine designed to have the look and feel of JavaScript's RegExp but to use the SABNF syntax (a superset of ABNF) for pattern definitions.
apg-exp uses APG as the underlying parser generator. For usage of APG refer to the GitHub repository and documentation. A large number of examples of APG usage can be found in the examples repository and documentation.
For pattern syntax, refer to the SABNF guide.
The apg-exp constructor is included in the apg-js. In a node.js project use:
npm install apg-js var apgExp = require("apg-js").apgExp;
To acquire the pre-defined constructor variable apgExp in a web page use:
<script src="./apg-js/dist/apg-exp-bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
In any case, it will be assumed throughout the remainder of this guide that the apg-exp constructor is available in the user's code as apgExp.
For many examples of its use see apg-js-examples at either GitHub or npmjs
var exp = new apgExp(pattern[, flags[, nodeHits[, treeDepth]]])
- pattern: string or object
- string - a valid SABNF pattern syntax
- object - an instantiated APG parser object
- flags: string, any of the characters "gyud"
- default - Sets lastIndex to zero after each match attempt.
- g - global Advances lastIndex after each successful match.
- y - sticky Anchors the search to lastIndex. Advances lastIndex on each successful match.
- u - unicode Returns matched patterns as integer arrays of character codes, rather than strings
- d - debug Adds the APG trace object to exp.
- nodeHits: integer > 0: default: Infinity
- Constrains the maximum number of parser steps taken to nodeHits. Can be used to protect against "exponential-time" or "catestrophic-backtracking" pattern syntaxes.
- treeDepth: integer > 0: default: Infinity
- Constrains the maximum parse tree depth to treeDepth. Can be used to protect against "exponential-time" or "catestrophic-backtracking" pattern syntaxes.
Returns the instantiated apg-exp object.
An ApgExpError exception is thrown on any encountered error.
Pattern syntax as a string:
var exp = new apgExp('pattern = "abc"\n'); var result = exp.test("abc"); /* result -> true */ result = exp.test("xyz"); /* result -> false */
Pattern syntax as an object:
/* example.bnf file */ pattern = "abc"\n /* generate APG parser */ npm install apg -g apg -in example.bnf -js example.js /* application */ var pattern = require("./example.js"); var obj = new pattern(); var exp = new apgExp(obj); var result = exp.test("abc"); /* result -> true */ result = exp.test("xyz"); /* result -> false */